Health Insight Journal

A Guide to Health and Wellness

Why People With Chronic Pain Are Choosing This Affordable Electric Massage Mattress Over Medications


By Dr. Rachel Bennett

Published on Dec 17 2023, 11:11 am EDT

“From Painkillers to Pain-Free: How an Electric Massage Mattress Helped Me Sleep and Move Again”

My doctor repeatedly told me that my chronic pain was incurable, leaving me reliant on a steady stream of painkillers and resigned to a life of discomfort. I couldn't accept that, especially with all the advancements in technology. I believed there had to be a better solution for the burning and tingling that plagued my body.

Determined to find an alternative, I searched online and soon stumbled upon a revolutionary device that promised relief. Little did I know, this electric massage mattress would change my life completely.

That’s When I Met Dr. Rachel Bennett, a Renowned Expert on Neuropathy

He’s spent the better part of the last decade creating innovative solutions to help people reverse neuropathy. His website was packed with testimonials from grateful men and women who claimed that he had saved their lives.

So I decided to pay for an online consultation with him. And, after a quick small talk, he went on to explain the real root cause of my neuropathy. The words that came out of his mouth made me freeze in fear:

The Nerves in Your Body Are Starving for Oxygen and Failing

Nerve cells throughout our body, including those in our back, neck, and legs, rely on a continuous supply of oxygen to function effectively. This oxygen is transported from the lungs to the heart and then circulated through the bloodstream.

However, as we age, the total body water decreases, leading to reduced fluid in the bloodstream and lower blood volume. This makes it harder for the heart to supply adequate oxygen to all cells.

Diabetes exacerbates this issue, as high blood sugar levels reduce the elasticity of blood vessels, causing them to narrow and further impeding blood flow.

As a result, the oxygen supply to peripheral nerves diminishes, leading to nerve tissue damage, which manifests as burning pain, intense tingling, and eventual numbness.

Let me emphasize this:

The nerve cells in your body are effectively suffocating and deteriorating as you read this because they are not receiving enough oxygen from your blood.

And the worst part is…

Painkillers That Doctors Prescribe for Neuropathy Can Actually Make It Even Worse!

Your doctor has probably prescribed you Gabapentin or Lyrica for your neuropathy - but I believe that’s actually the worst thing you can do.

Why? Because painkillers are only numbing the pain while doing absolutely nothing to stop your nerve cells from dying.

As Dr. Rachel Bennett…It’s like if your car was making a lot of squeaky noises because you are out of oil - and you just turned up the speakers so you don’t hear it. You are just turning a blind eye to the real underlying problem.

Not to mention that painkillers are also likely to give you a whole host of unpleasant side effects on their own - from digestive discomfort and a queasy stomach to kidney failure and even cardiovascular problems.

The point is: Pain and tingling are warning signs your body is sending you and you should stop neglecting them before it’s too late.

Now, here’s the good news…

If You Still Feel Pain and Tingling… That’s Actually a Positive Sign!

Burning and tingling sensations occur as nerve cells become damaged.

…But they only go numb when they die.

If you're still experiencing these sensations, it means some of your nerve cells are still active.

Why does this matter? According to the National Institute of Health:

“Peripheral nerves have the ability to REGENERATE as long as the underlying nerve cell has not been killed.”

As long as your nerves aren't completely dead, there’s potential to reverse the damage and alleviate the symptoms of neuropathy.

Finally, Dr. Rachel Told Me That There’s A Way To Alleviate My Neuropathy

…And that is to boost blood circulation throughout your body.

If you can enhance blood flow to your body, allowing your nerve cells to receive the vital oxygen they need, you can alleviate the symptoms of neuropathy.

But how do you achieve this? Traditional methods might suggest increasing physical activity to improve circulation. However, when you're in pain, moving around can be the last thing you want to do.

So… What’s the solution? I asked Dr. Rachel the same question. And that’s when I first heard about: Electric Massage Mattress Technology.

Revolutionary Electric Massage Mattress Transforms Blood Circulation and Eases Pain, Burning, Tingling, and Numbnes

Dr. Rachel has teamed up with an innovative med tech company to develop a cutting-edge solution for pain relief and improved circulation: the Electric Massage Mattress.

This mattress utilizes advanced vibration and heat technology to target deep tissue across your entire body, promoting enhanced blood flow and relaxation.

By stimulating key areas with a combination of vibration and infrared heating, it helps alleviate discomfort and enhances oxygen delivery to stressed nerves.

Experience the benefits of reduced pain, diminished tingling, and increased comfort as you enjoy improved mobility and relief from daily discomfort. Say goodbye to persistent pain and hello to a more comfortable, active life.

Electric Massage Mattress Is Unlike Any Other Solution I’ve Tried Before

Let me be clear. I’ve never experienced anything like Electric Massage Mattress in my entire life - and I’ve tried pretty much everything under the sun.

This device is miles more powerful than any amount of pills or physical therapies ever could be because it actually awakens the damaged and dead nerves and solves the actual root cause of neuropathy.

Before long, you'll be able to walk without pain, stand for as long as you want, and even sleep through the night without waking up in agony.

Here’s How To Use Electric Massage Mattress For Best Results

To use your Electric Massage Mattress effectively, simply lie down on the mattress and use the hand-held controller to choose your preferred massage mode and intensity level.

For the best results, aim to use the mattress for 15 minutes a day. This is the ideal duration for the heating and vibration features to deeply penetrate your muscles, promoting relaxation and easing tension.

Initially, the sensation might be new, but you'll quickly adapt. The relief will start to take effect as you continue using it regularly. You'll notice a significant reduction in pain and discomfort, with your body feeling more relaxed and rejuvenated after each session.

Here’s What Amanda, 65, Says About Her Experience With Electric Massage Mattress

I've been to countless doctors about the numbness in my toes, which was spreading to the rest of my feet. At night, the burning pain was so severe that I needed ice packs just to sleep. Despite numerous tests, doctors couldn’t find anything wrong, attributing it to aging.

At 65, I still have at least 20 years ahead of me, and I was worried about losing my mobility. That's when I came across the Electric Massage Mattress and decided to give it a try.

After just three days of using the mattress, I started feeling sensations in my toes, something I hadn’t experienced in two years. Now, after about 2.5 weeks, my feet are fully responsive again, and I haven’t had any muscle cramps in my calves. Most importantly, the burning sensation in my feet has disappeared—no more ice packs at night!

Using the massage mattress for just 10 minutes twice a day has been a game changer. I’m thrilled with the results and optimistic about my future. I’m confident that this product will help me stay active and avoid the need for a wheelchair in the years to come. It’s truly been a fantastic find. Thank you!

— Amanda, 65

Electric Massage Mattress Already Helped Thousands Of US Residents Alleviate Their Neuropathic Pain

If you check out website , you will find thousands of reviews from people just like you.

People who were able to get significant relief from numbing foot pain, burning sensations, stiffness and swelling :

Because I’m still in contact with Dr. Bennett, I know he is receiving dozens of these emails daily.

Every single day there’s a new amazing story from another person in the US that got his or her life transformed thanks to this effective but affordable Electric Massage Mattress.

Will your story be next?

See… That’s the kind of results Dr. Bennett want you to experience.

Think about your Pain right now…

Would you welcome even just a bit of relief from those constant burning sensations, numbness and weakness ?

How about getting an uninterrupted full night's sleep?

How would it feel to be able to take a pain-free stroll with your loved one ?

Would it allow you to enjoy your daily life a bit better if there was less or no pain, stiffness and swelling?

Imagine waking up in the morning and experiencing that feeling of… NOTHING!

❌ No burning sensations

❌ No swelling

❌ No crutches

❌ No limitations


Allowing you to sleep well at night without any shooting pain that would keep you awake…

Knowing that when you wake up, there is nothing that would stop you from just jumping out of bed, full of energy!

Imagine finally regaining control over your life and body again!

Doing all the things you love with your loved ones!

That feeling is priceless.

There’s a world of difference between living life with constant pain, stiffness and swelling, and between being able to do what's dearest to you.

And I’m excited for you to experience it for yourself.

IMPORTANT: You Won’t Find This Products In Department Stores, On Amazon Or Ebay

That’s because Dr. Bennett and his team don’t want any middlemen to mark up their prices.

So you will never pay $397 for the device.

Dr. Bennet's mission with Electric Massage Mattress is to make cutting edge pain solutions accessible to as many people as possible.

That’s why Dr. Bennett and his team sell directly to our customers.

Dr. Bennett heavily relies on word of mouth.

He believes if the product is good, the word will spread.

That’s why I’ve decided to write this article for him.

To act my part and spread my word.

It’s the least I can do for how much his Electric Massage Mattress transformed my life.

And that’s why you are not going to pay $397 - which is the recommended price for a device of this caliber.

Dr. Bennett doesn’t want the price to stand in your way.

So you won’t even pay half.

So even though they charge $199 per massager on their official website…

You won't have to pay that today either.

Via This Link ONLY , you can get your Electric Massage Mattress for a simple one-time fee of just $129.95!

Yes, just $129.95.

But wait…

Even that was not enough for Dr. Bennett!

Because when I shared my story with him, he was touched by it.

It moved him deeply.

So deeply, in fact, that he went to the rest of the team and decided to do something unheard of.

He came up with a one-time special offer for the reader’s of this article of mine…

With the hope that you’ll help spread the word and share this with anyone who might also benefit from this information.

So right now, you can try NMES body massager for only $99.95 .

Yes, just $99.95.

That’s 50% off the regular price that is listed on the official website.

If you think this is crazy, read this…

Dr. Bennett: “You Don’t Have To Make A Decision Now!”

See… Dr. Bennett wanted to completely eliminate the risk from all buyers.

He’s so firm and confident in the effectiveness of his device that without a second thought he provided an iron clad 90-day results or refund money back guarantee .

He doesn’t want you to spend a dime until you are 100% certain that it works for you.

This means if you aren’t absolutely thrilled about your results, will refund you every penny you paid.

He’s making this guarantee because he’s confident you’re going to love the results you’re going to experience with your new Electric Massage Mattress.

Now you have 3 full months to test the Electric Massage Mattress and see for yourself how quickly it can relieve pain, burning, tingling, and numbness.

So click the big green “APPLY DISCOUNT & CHECK AVAILABILITY” button below.

If your don’t get the relief you’re looking for or you think there’s better solution on the market for your condition, Dr. Bennett's team will return 100% of your purchase price.

And no this is not a type of guarantee that every other company does nowadays.

This is no gimmick.

Want proof?

Try emailing or calling customer service.

You can literally reach them 24/7.

Simply call their support team at +1 323-666-1234 or email them at [email protected].

You can also find this information on their official encrypted website.

They respond to every single email within minutes.

They answer every single phone call…

It may sound out-of-fashion but, they make us, their customers, their absolute #1 priority.

I’m a living example of that being true.

WARNING: By The Time You’ll Be Reading This, This Offer May Already Be Sold Out!

Electric Massage Mattress has already sold out 3 times in the past.

And this current stock is selling out faster than anyone could have anticipated.

So I encourage you to act fast.

Because chances are by the time you’ll be reading this… the stock may have been already sold out again .

So without further ado…

Here’s What To Do Next

Click that big green “APPLY DISCOUNT & CHECK AVAILABILITY” button.

It’s going to take you straight to official, encrypted website.

There, you will get a special one-time deal reserved for first-time customers. (As much as 50% OFF)

Again, all you need to do is click the button that says “GET UP TO 50% OFF” and your discount code will be automatically applied.

From there, you’ll go straight to the checkout page where you just need to enter your name, address, and credit card information.

…And select how many Electric Massage Mattress you want.

I suggest you do AT LEAST two, because the more you get the bigger the discount you receive (you can save as much as 50%!)

That’s because Electric Massage Mattress saves a lot of money on shipping if they put more products in one box, and they are happy to share those savings with you.

So whenever you are ready, click the big green button below and order your Electric Massage Mattress today at up to 50% OFF

The Only Risk You Could Possibly Face Is One Of Pain And Regret If You Miss Out

Now I’d like to take a moment to talk about what happens if you don’t act now.

Because the way I see it is you really have now 2 options that lead to 2 profoundly different realities.

See… neuropathy is a progressive condition .

This means that unless you start taking action early, it usually gets worse overtime.

Option #1:

Is to keep doing what you’ve been doing until now… Wasting time and money on solutions that you and I both know don’t work…

And basically letting the nerves die - one by one…

Until your feet go completely numb and you are left in a wheelchair.

Option #2:

You can make the smart decision to try Electric Massage Mattress and at least have a chance to turn things around in weeks to come.

Remember - You’ve got nothing to lose .

Either it works as advertised and you’ll experience a massive relief.

OR you’ll get 100% of your money back.

Either way, it’s better than just giving up and doing nothing.

I still thank God every day that I discovered the Electric Massage Mattress.

It saved my life.

And I’m just one of 1000+ people who will tell you that.

You owe it to yourself to give it a shot.

It's time to do the smart thing, the right thing for you and your family while you still can.

Click the button below to apply your discount and give yourself a shot at normal life, free of pain, burning, and tingling .

About Dr. Rachel Bennett

Dr. Rachel Bennett, Doctor of Physical Therapy, Therapeutic Pain Specialist, Medical Innovator, Educator, and the mind behind the science, has treated thousands of patients over ten years in outpatient orthopaedic physical therapy in Chicago. Specialized in pain management through years of experience, trainings, and certifications. Expert in strengthening and conditioning of the human body.

For over ten years, he has been one of the top experts in orthopaedic physical therapy. His experiences took him to new frontiers of medical and movement science. He is now a driving force behind medical technology and treatments – breakthroughs revolutionizing the way patients are treated.


User1 Wilma Devon 39 min

Can anybody vouch for this?

Reply .
User2 Mary Vernon 16 min

This massager is what it says it is. It is very soothing to my legs. My varicose veins usually itch throughout the day. Since I have been using this more itching.

Reply .
User3 Doris Skylar 51 min

I bought mine for the full price and now are 50% off? That's not fair!

Reply .
User4 Skyler Greig 1 h

How long does shipping take??

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User5 Marie Campbell 24 min

Hey Skyler, got mine after a week.

Reply .
User6 Leonard Boyd 1 h

I only use it once a day but what a difference it has made! My spider veins on my ankles are barely visible and the larger vein on the back of my calf no longer bulges out. I am very impressed with this product.

Reply .
User7 Emma Emerson 2 h

Hey Lois, this is what you need instead of the expensive creams

Reply .
User8 Lois Clive 1 h

Wow, this is crazy, have ordered one now!

Reply .
User9 Alfred Johnson 2 h

Did you buy one, how long does it take to get it

Reply .
User10 Edith Ashton 2 h

For me 7 business days.

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User11 Debra Peyton 3 h

Good massager for legs. Different levels and different modes helped me.

Reply .
User12 Paula Remington 3 h

Wow looks amazing, does anyone actually have one and has it been tested?

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User13 Sarah Dudley 2 h

I love this massager! I suffer from this horrible painful spider veins, this massager relieves the pain fast and helps my muscles to relax. I prefer to use it at night because it helps me to sleep better but I use it throughout the day when the pain is starting. I will say it was worth the purchase.

Reply .
User14 Agnes Graeme 3 h

I just ordered mine! Cannot wait for it.

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User15 Barbara Bradly 3 h

I want one so bad, I'm gonna buy it this weekend when my paycheck hits lol!!

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User16 Ethel Dean 4 h

Does anyone know how long the shipping takes? Want to buy one for my friend.

Reply .
User17 Clara Milton 2 h

Hey Ethel, mine arrived after about a week

Reply .

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If you or any other person has a medical concern, you should consult with your health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something that have read on this page or in any linked materials. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or emergency services immediately.

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